Credit Card Defense Lawyer

Welcome to Mitchell A. Sommers PC

Credit Card Defense Lawyer in Lancaster Pa

Credit Card Collection Resolution in Lancaster, Pa

We've all heard the horror stories: falling behind on credit card payments, only to find ourselves drowning in debt and facing intimidating legal action.

At Mitchell A. Sommers PC, we understand the stress and uncertainty that comes with these situations. That's why we're here to empower you with the knowledge and guidance you need to defend yourself against credit card lawsuits and protect your financial future. We are a debt relief agency.

Understanding the Process

When you fall behind on credit card payments, your account may be sold to a debt buyer like Midland Funding or Portfolio Recovery Associates. These companies purchase delinquent accounts at a fraction of their value, aiming to turn a profit by collecting from consumers like you.

Debt buyers often employ aggressive tactics to pressure you into paying, including incessant calls and intimidating letters. If these efforts fail, they may escalate to filing a lawsuit against you in state or local court.

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The Stakes Are High

Credit card lawsuits can have serious financial implications. If the creditor obtains a judgment against you, they may garnish your wages, seize funds from your bank accounts, or place liens on your property.

Additionally, the judgment continues to accrue interest, compounding the debt over time.

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Facing a Lawsuit: Your Options

When you receive court papers regarding a credit card lawsuit, it's crucial not to ignore them. Here's what you can do to protect yourself:

Understand the Claims

Review the complaint carefully to understand the allegations against you and the amount of debt claimed by the creditor.

Gather Documentation

Organize any relevant documents, such as bank records and correspondence with the creditor, to build your defense.

Seek Legal Advice

While you're not required to have a lawyer, consulting with a collection lawsuit defense attorney can provide valuable insights into your options and defenses.

Respond Promptly

Don't delay in responding to the lawsuit. Failing to take action could result in a default judgment against you.

Appear in Court

If a hearing or trial is scheduled, make sure to attend or have legal representation present on your behalf.

Help is Available

Navigating a credit card lawsuit can be daunting, but you don't have to face it alone. Whether you're seeking legal representation or looking for resources to defend yourself, assistance is available.

At Mitchell A. Sommers PC, we're here to support you every step of the way. If you're facing a credit card lawsuit in Lancaster, PA, don't hesitate to reach out for a consultation. Your financial future is too important to leave to chance.

Remember, taking proactive steps to defend yourself is the first step toward regaining control of your finances and securing a brighter future. We're here to help you every step of the way. Let's tackle this challenge together!

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